5 tips on using a planner

January 02, 2018

5 tips on using a planner

I struggled for years to get my stuff together and really figure out how to get the most from each and every day. I bought planner after planner, thinking the entire time, if I just write things in here it will magically all happen. I would use the planner daily for about a week and then the novelty would wear off and it would get buried under everything else on my desk and eventually forgotten. 

Then one day I realized I just didn't know how to use a planner the right way. So back in 2012, I did some research, took some time and really figured out what would work for me. I tried many different techniques and it wasn't until I put together a variety of things that made it all click. Then I had to make it a habit. I gave myself 30 days and really committed to using this new system. 

It was working, not only did I feel better about my day but people at the office were now noticing. I was asked daily how I get so much done, not only at work but once I got home too. I was often asked if I ever slept. Now I am a busy girl by nature. I like to be busy so I am always doing something, but it's the way I use the time I have that made such a difference. After word got out about my planning tips I was asked to create a course that I could teach to others in the office. This was brand new territory to me, but I could not get over how much I enjoyed teaching to others. It was so fulfilling to help them learn & watch each one of them become more efficient with their time. It made my heart so happy. 

How to use a planner

Fast forward to 2018, I am now running my own business full time. Which is a huge task. Not only does it take a lot of time but more planning than I had ever imagined. Had I not learned how to really be efficient with my time and plan things out, I would not be where I am today. I am a planner girl through and through, without my planner I am lost. 

Here are my top 5 reasons why planning your day will help you get more stuff done! 

1. It helps to declutter your mind! When you are constantly in a state of trying to remember and are always thinking of all there is to do, you easily become overwhelmed and most likely never get one task completely finished before bouncing on to the next. 

2. When you make a plan, you know what needs to be done and when. No more thinking about it. Now its go time, just do it! 

3. When you make a plan you are more likely to actually follow through and actually do it. 

4. Planning is addictive! Once you start and see it working, you will want to do more and more! I even plan my weekends now, simply because we are so much more productive when I do! But the biggest thing I noticed was that planning on weekends allowed more time for the fun stuff!

5. Planning your days allows you to have the flexibility you need to get things done when it works for you. You make your plan, you run your day. Don't let the feeling of overwhelm run you. It's chaos, and no one works well in a chaotic environment. 

How to use a planner

Start planning to take back your day now! 

I get it, I have been there. I know what it's like to be completely overwhelmed, overworked and just plain tired. I had days where I had no idea how I would come out ahead. My lists were so long they seemed impossible. But I am here to tell you, they don't have to be. You can get it all done, you just have to learn how to break it down and prioritize, even when everything seems like a priority! 

Do you feel like there is never enough time in your day to get everything done?
There is hardly time to clean house and do laundry let alone do any of the fun stuff right?

Maybe there is a new project you have been putting off way to long, maybe you run a small business and have a list a mile long or a new book you can't seem to find the to read. You meant to go to the gym but simply ran out of time.
Do your days make you feel like you are constantly playing catch up? 
If you ever feel like your day flew by, you were plenty busy but didn't really accomplish much then you have come to the right place! 
Last spring I sat down and put this course into an online format so I could offer it to anyone needing some help with time management and learning how to use a planner. 
In this course I will teach you step by step how to truly get more done in every single day. You will learn how to:
  • Create effective to do lists
  • Use a planner properly and love it
  • Make time for those things YOU really want to do,
  • Make meal planning and household tasks not feel like such a big chore
  • And several other little things that you can incorporate into your everyday life that will truly help you take back control and accomplish so much more!
I created this course to be super easy to follow along with.
  • You will receive the course in it's entirety. Go through the course at your own pace with daily lessons or break it up into pieces that work with your own time & schedule. 
  • You will receive a online course workbook which includes all of the lessons, worksheets, and links to other valuable online resources. 
  • We also have a private Facebook group where you can ask questions & discuss each lesson, but only if you want to, this is not required but highly recommended. Not only will I be there to help you, so will all the other people who are learning right along with you. They can offer suggestions, ideas and just listen when you need that too.

I would love to have you join me and the group of many others who have already taken this course! What are you waiting for? Start planning to take back your day now! 

Sign up today! 



Photos by:  Jane Cane Photography


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