February 09, 2016
I swear I had no intention of completely re-decorating my bedroom. I had this dresser (isn't that the way it always starts?) It was old, ugly and I hated looking at it every day. So after diner I decided to re-paint it. It would be an hour long project, no big deal right? Zach was eager to help me with my project!
Well as I was painting I also started thinking...that's when it started. I was thinking that not one piece of my bedroom furniture matched, and that was because none of it was from the same place. My big dresser was my mom's, the headboard was old and very out dated, the other dresser came from the side of the road, and so on. The majority of it was white or cream. So I started with the ugly dresser, and made a shade of cream from three different shades I had around the house. The next step was to sand, and then glaze with my new favorite Ralph Lauren glaze! Then I decided to sand and glaze EVERYTHING!
The dresser of my mom's was already cream and had silver hardware that I just replaced a few years ago, so I was not about to go get new hardware, in fact I was not going to spend a penny on this re-do. I just used some spray paint, and voila! They were now a nice shade of espresso!
I found an old door in the garage that I painted with the same cream from the dresser, sanded and glazed as well. Why quite while I was ahead, I also sanded and glazed the nightstands, the picture frames and a couple of old windows I also had in the garage
It has now been almost 24 hours since I started to paint this dresser, I did sleep for about 7 hours, but otherwise I have been working non-stop! Now keep in mind, my room was not even in bad shape, in fact I just posted about it not so long ago HERE, but take a look at my before and see if you can notice all of the things I found a way to re-use! Here is the finished project! I must say I love it even more! I was able to re-purpose a ton of stuff, use what I already had, and give my room a brand new look for, yup you guessed it $0!!!!
Try to ignore the white patches on the walls, just waiting for the Spackle to dry from where we had to fill all the old nail holes! Then I can do a little touch up painting!
I love how this head board turned out! And the photos above it, were 11 x 14 photos that I wasn't really happy with, so I did some editing, printed them out on my own computer 81/2 x 11, and made mats out of scrapbook paper.
The numbers are from my cricut, just use vinyl and that's it! More cricut vinyl on the wondow below too!
SO after I did the words for this I realized that I spelled fairytale wrong, but I am out of white vinyl! LOL!
Do you recognize the mirror from the old post?? What about these candles...
I must say, Thank you road side dresser, I have now transformed my entire room thanks to you! Take note - that Scentsy pot on the dresser, currently melting cinnamon vanilla, my room also smells heavenly!